Getting Your Appetite Back


Proverbs 27:7 – The full soul loatheth an honeycomb; but to the hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet.

            Many Christians are sick today. We know this by certain symptoms: missing church, a lack of Bible reading, and a weak prayer life to name a few. But treating the symptoms will not cure the problem. The real crisis is an appetite problem. They are not hungry for God and the things of God anymore. It’s that simple.

            The rudimentary cause of this is illustrated in Numbers 11 where Israel complained about the food (manna) God had given them. It all began with a lack of partition, or separation. It was the Egyptians among them (“the mixt multitude”) that started the murmuring and complaining. Their love of provisions was greater than their love for God. They wanted the illustrious food of Egypt, not the boring manna of God. This caused them to lose their perspective. They claimed that they “did eat freely in Egypt.” “Freely?” They were slaves in bondage! This unholy alliance changed their perspective. You should be careful who you allow to influence your thoughts and opinions! It may cause your appetite to diminish for God and grow for worldly things.

            What can be done if this happens? Can a person get their appetite back for God? The right cure is God’s cure. In Numbers it was judgment – “they buried the people that lusted.” Today it is judgment. We must “judge ourselves” (1 Cor. 11:31) and deal with the real problem, not merely the symptoms. Getting busier for God is not the answer. Forcing ourselves to read the Bible and attend church is not the answer. We need to admit we are sick, quit eating junk, and start eating God’s manna again. Eat a little at a time until God gives you your appetite back. And then you can say, “He hath filled the hungry soul with good things…” (Luke 1:53).