Surviving the Wilderness of Life


1 Sam 23:14 – And David abode in the wilderness in strong holds…

Have you ever been lost in the woods? It is easy to become disoriented and confused when everything around you looks the same. What might have began as a short hike can easily turn into a life or death situation.

That’s where we find David in 1 Samuel. He is simply trying to survive and obey God along the way. Saul is hunting him down to kill him, and things keep getting tough for David.

David learned real quickly that he needed some strong holds (vs. 14) – places he could hide from Saul in order to get some rest and reviving. Like David we need a place of refuge from the enemy. “The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble” (Nah. 1:7) yet we often fail to seek him in times of desperation. The family should also be a safe haven from the evil influences of the world, but often the world is brought in the home and corrupts this fortress. And our churches should be a place where we can get away from the enemy and worship God in spirit and in truth.

David also learned he needed strengthened hands (vss. 15-18). Jonathan’s company meant a lot to David. Just knowing Jonathan was on his side; just knowing someone cared. Loneliness is often used by Satan to keep us defeated. Maybe in the wilderness of life you need to let someone befriend you, or maybe you need to be a friend to encourage another along the way.

Finally, David found out that he needed this place of Sela-Hammahlekoth (vs. 28). When Saul was closing in, word came that the Philistines had invaded Israel and he had to leave David. God intervened! God’s rock fortress (Sela) of providence delivered David. If you are going to survive, you need a stronghold, strengthened hands, but more important the Selas of God’s deliverance!