A Reminder


Luke 16:23 – And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments…

Much too often we Christians go through life all tied up and tangled up with the “affairs of this life” (2 Tim. 2:4) and forget or choose to ignore that people are dying and going to hell.

The reality of hell is clear in scripture. Jesus preached more about hell than heaven. This story in Luke 16 really happened, it was not a parable. Parables never contain real people’s names this story does. Jesus is giving us a glimpse into the underworld so we can see what happens to a soul who dies lost forever.

The reason for hell is also clear in scripture. It was made for the judgment of Satan (i.e. “prepared for the devil and his angels” – Matt. 25:41) but it also serves the justice of God. What kind of a judge would God be if He allowed sin to go unpunished? Hell exists because of sin, and sinners who die in their sinful condition will go straight to hell at death.

We also see the remorse of hell in the passage. The rich man cried out for mercy. He regretted that he went to hell, especially since he didn’t have to go there. He could have went to heaven, but he rejected the truth God gave him. In hell there is plenty of time for the damned to playback their lives, but there is never any hope that they can get out.

The request in hell (vss. 27-28) has nothing to do with getting out. He knows better. He asks for some water, but after that is refused, his mind goes to his brothers – those he loved. He prays that God would send Lazarus to warn them. God never answers.

God doesn’t hear the prayers of hell but maybe we can. We have a responsibility because of hell to warn every person we can.

So, while you are busy going to church and doing spiritual things, don’t forget why we are here! There is a hell!