What Bartimaeus Saw


Mark 10:46 – …blind Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, sat by the highway side begging.

            The first thing Bartimaeus ever saw was a face – the face of Jesus Christ! But before he saw that matchless face of man’s redemption, he saw some things through his eyes of faith.

            He saw his condition. He saw what he was – blind. He didn’t have to be convinced about his condition. Blind was what he was and begging was what he did. He was in the dark and it affected everything. He had to beg to survive. He reached out for what he could get. He didn’t choose to be blind, he was born that way.

            He saw his chance. It was now or never for him. He didn’t know if Jesus would ever pass that way again. It was shout or be silent even if it meant he had to quit begging from a large crowd. It was conform or cry out. The people, even some followers of Jesus, tried to stop him. But he didn’t. It was his chance!

            He also saw Jesus’ compassion. Bartimaeus didn’t plead merit, he plead mercy! Joshua commanded the sun to stand still, but when Bartimaeus cried, “Jesus stood still” (vs. 49). He stopped in consideration, and then called for Bartimaeus. This command employed others in this service and it brought comfort to Bartimaeus that Jesus had heard him (vs. 49).

            “And he, casting away his garment, rose, and came to Jesus” (vs. 50). The garment as like a large overcoat that Bartimaeus probably slept in. It would be cumbersome and heavy. It would defer and delay him, so he got rid of it. Then he confessed what he needed (vs. 51) and was cured (vs. 52).

            Are you spiritually blind? It may be now or never for you. Don’t listen to those who tell you to hush up. Cry out for mercy! Get rid of that garment that is holding you back. Confess to Christ your need; believe on Him; He will open your eyes!